There are thousands of computer viruses, spyware, and malware circulating throughout the internet. High-speed internet connections are more susceptible to web browser attacks, identity theft, and email threats. Huber PC takes a proactive approach to network security by providing 'ground-up' solutions. Simple password protection doesn't cut it anymore.
Huber PC offers a multitude of affordable solutions for best protecting your computer and network from attacks. We implement non-intrusive security measures while educating you on internet and computer safety practices.
We have provided these same security measures to commercial clients with over 100 workstations who have not had a single virus in over five years.
This service blocks suspected or known websites and affiliated servers from loading dangerous content into your web browser or email client in real time, eliminating the vast majority of unsuitable internet content.
Huber PC utilizes the same DNS providers used by Fortune 500 companies, K-12 and college institutions who are dedicated to protecting you from harmful internet content.
The first step to online security is a properly configured firewall separating your computer and network from the outside world. Most modern routers include firewall protection as well as high-speed wired and wireless internet access for your home computing devices.
Avoiding on and offline threats can be quite a challenge, Huber PC uses the latest software to protect your computer in real-time. Secure web browsers, ad and script blocking extensions, encrypted email clients, and anti-virus software help thwart potential threats.
If all the data on your computer was destroyed, would you be able to get it back? We offer both on and offline methods for backing up your data securely
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